Friday, October 21, 2016

I Have Returned!

I have FINALLY decided to return to writing once again. I have missed it and very much look forward to getting this thing up and going again. I don't know about the podcast but at least the written component will resume. Stay tuned!- Tmaxx

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Government Run Health-Neglect.....

Kudos to the former "World's Fattest Man" who, after bypass surgery, dropped 644 lbs.......only to become the "Worlds Biggest Pile of Skin."  For the government run universal health-care system of the United Kingdom, it is not enough that the morbidly obese drop almost three quarters of their near planetary mass; they need it to remain gone for at least 2 years in order to fund the operation that will actually allow them to perform the activity necessary in order to keep it off. This according to the New York Daily News story on Paul Mason.  Weight loss involves the burning of calories in addition to diet and any surgical interventions (in this case Gastric Bypass).  Take a look at these fotos and tell me true if this is a man who is able to exercise?  Get ready America..........This sort of amazingly cerebral health care reasoning is coming next year  to the shores of the good 'ol US of A!




Good luck to you friend.  Hopefully your decision to publish these photos will both pressure the UK health-neglect system into doing the right thing AND scare the USA's upcoming abomination into dissolution! - Tmaxx! (150 lbs)


Friday, March 16, 2012

Damn Good Idea...

Ex employee of Goldman-Sachs spills guts about former workplace in NYT.  (Use online translator to translate story).......

A guy who worked on Google+ did same thing:

I hope all my fello ex employees read these and see that all of that sort of action is protected speech! YeeHaw!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Yes, 1st of all I HAVE recorded the new show and am in the process of cutting it together now. So there!
2nd:  I felt moved to comment on a story that I read on last night. I didnt feel like translating it here for everyone so I have not replicated it here (that and I can no longer find it.)It was about 3 incidents in a single day of the sexual assault of several young people throughout Italy one of which the aggressor was met through Facebook (victim was 13 years old.)  (OK......I found it.
I wanted to bring this up only because many people tend to think of this as being a problem primarily for those who live in big American cities.  It is a GLOBAL problem (especially in Europe where internet and cell phone use is more widespread) and ALL of us parents need to be aware of what are kids do online.  This was an attack and the 13 year old certainly didnt ask for nor deserve this BUT had the parents known about her Fbook doings it may not have happened.  I am sure that is what this poor child's parents would have us take from all of this. ( P.S. I love how 5 carabinieri squad cars descended upon the two adult attackers in the 2nd incident!)

Speaking of internet fouls, MY stalkers have racked up a huge number of page views and data "downloaded" from my site here. I should start releasing a weekly total complete with how much time had been spent here each week! (Again guys...I can see all of that.) Just know that it is indeed a favor that I have not forbidden them from seeing it (which is well within my rights as  I have to pay for every letter that reaches their eyeballs) but I am sincerely hoping that some of my genius will rub off.  It MUST be working as the visits have spiked considerably. Make sure to print it out fellas!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tonight's Show:

This article in Scientific American shall serve as the topic for tonight's show:

Why Interacting with a Woman Can Leave Men "Cognitively Impaired"

In one experiment, just telling a man he would be observed by a female was enough to hurt his psychological performance.

click here for article

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Solar Flares and Whatnot...

We are currently recieving the barrage launched at us by the sun via CME / Solar Flare on March 7.  The predictions are diverse, varied and very difficult to make BUT from what I can gather, we are still being blasted and will continue to be for the rest of the day.  It is still the cover story over at where they are reporting that the brunt of the 'impact' should arrive today. 

What does this mean for those of us who do not take joy in the nerdier things in life? Well, those of us who happen to have electricity are at risk of losing it via the outages that accompany these storms.  Surges of energy can travel down power-lines and create a management problem for power companies.  So even if you have a surge protector on the extension cord coming from the neighbors house, it wont help for 2 reasons: a) you will be unable to further steal power from others as they will have none either and b) it is more of a system-wide event rather than merely trailer-wide.  Just in case, it would not be a bad idea to check the batteries in your flashlights etc and other "power bump" devices in the event that the power flickers off.  I seriously do not think this will happen but it never hurts to think ahead (or at all!)

Finally and on a more personal note; aside from wierd space-weather and all of the appointments etc that I have had since my departure from the mining industry, I have got to say that we have not been happier here at home!  It is an odd time to be so but the kids have been happy that and taking advantage of the fact that I am home with them instead of being always up in "onetoothilliterateville." I will still have to make a trip up there in next week or so to gather my things but after that I shouldn't have to concern myself with it ever again! It has been nice getting kids ready for school and welcoming them home and I hope to find me a job here which keeps me close enough to continue to do so. We'll see! Keep your fingers crossed for me!