Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Government Run Health-Neglect.....

Kudos to the former "World's Fattest Man" who, after bypass surgery, dropped 644 lbs.......only to become the "Worlds Biggest Pile of Skin."  For the government run universal health-care system of the United Kingdom, it is not enough that the morbidly obese drop almost three quarters of their near planetary mass; they need it to remain gone for at least 2 years in order to fund the operation that will actually allow them to perform the activity necessary in order to keep it off. This according to the New York Daily News story on Paul Mason.  Weight loss involves the burning of calories in addition to diet and any surgical interventions (in this case Gastric Bypass).  Take a look at these fotos and tell me true if this is a man who is able to exercise?  Get ready America..........This sort of amazingly cerebral health care reasoning is coming next year  to the shores of the good 'ol US of A!




Good luck to you friend.  Hopefully your decision to publish these photos will both pressure the UK health-neglect system into doing the right thing AND scare the USA's upcoming abomination into dissolution! - Tmaxx! (150 lbs)