Saturday, December 31, 2011
StormWatch:The Trott Report-"I Paralyzed Myself While D.U.I. but It's Not My Fault."
Listen to Stormwatch: The Trott Report - "DU...I am not at fault"
Click HERE for News Story
Today's New Year's Eve show is a subtle reminder to all those partying tonight to please do so responsibly. In 2009, Chelsea Hess was 20 years old when she went to "shoot billiards" at a local bar. She claims she was served alcohol in said establishment and then proceeded to drive whilst under the influence of booze. She ended up making herself into a parapalegic. She is now suing the bar not only for serving her while underage but also for letting her drive. She is also suing the state dept. of transportation for not maintaining the shoulder of the road; a fact that she says forced her to crash as well as pretty much everyone in between for contributing to this awful "tragedy." Basically, she was the victim of a grand conspiracy to force her into having a drunken crash which took the use of her legs.
At the risk of sounding insensitive, I have to say that if she really is this stupid, perhaps the wheelchair is what she needed to keep her from killing herself or someone else since this chick has zero sense of responsibility. This one really makes you mad. I don't have alot of sympathy for drunkards who wrap their cars around trees etc anyway but when they then turn and blame everyone else in a manner such as this, I think perhaps she should've lost the ability to move her arms and mouth as well.
Looking up my name in's "images" search engine delivered to me this morning the following gem:
Funny? Of course. Yet it begs the question of how this has come to be associated with MY name. It is not as though I have a very common name at all. That being said, I really DO wish I had been the one to come up with this. Next time the US govt comes up with a set of regulations that end up facilitating the sexual assault of thousands of innocent geriatrics, disabled persons and children, I will be sure to jump on the joke bandwagon faster instead of being beaten to the punch like what has happened with this image.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
I know I have been saying that but I really do mean it! Things have been rather hectic (for all of us I am sure) and I have not been able to give it the attention it really deserves. I have a couple of shows recorded but I do not think that they are up to snuff (so to speak) and I don't want to drop those crappy shows upon your virgin ears. It seems that every time it is time for me to start work on it, something comes up, usually at work (don't even get me started on that one) but sometimes at home which totally kills my masterful creative process. I was fairly certain no one wants to hear me grumble on about this, that or the other after having been pissed off about some work related issue; thus I abstained for the holidays. They are largely over now so I am going back to work as I know u are all going through withdrawals!
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
The Case of Missing Infant Lisa Irwin Part 2: The Suspicious Actions of the Mother
With the parents assistance the KCPD and FBI were finally able to resume a portion of the investigation that had been delayed for three long days. The open window, the one that the abductor presumably utilized to gain entrance to the house, was seen receiving scrutiny by the forensics team as well as various leads that only the parents’ could shed light on were finally able to be sifted through. Though the authorities are mum about it, one question above all hangs above the investigation like a neon billboard, the 800lb gorilla in the room: why, if your child is presumed taken from you in such a statistically rare manner in which every second takes them farther away from home, would the parents choose to “ice out” and ignore for three days the very agencies who alone possess the resources and manpower to find and return their child?
The Case of Missing Infant Lisa Irwin. Part 1: Recap of Events and The Investigation
It’s the eerie silence that accompanies the wee hours of the morning in the big city. Once busy and bustling streets are silent as death as a driver follows his headlights down the barren six lane streets. Every traffic light is green as the lone car passes the shuttered businesses that a mere six hours earlier were filled with thousands of busy tense shoppers.
When the driver went to work, it was a totally different world. The sun was out but a hand-breadth above the horizon , the streets packed with traffic, restaurants filled with hungry families and stopped cars filled with stressed faces as they all fought their way home to finally relax with their spouses, children, pets or parents. Now everything is silent and he is the only soul within sight. He is alone with his headlights and radio as he makes his way back to his house; back to his wife and baby daughter. The still silence reminds him that soon, he will join the legions in slumber; he will reunite with his young family in the sweet sanctity of sleep. The emptiness of the city served as a reminder of the emptiness that beckoned him to hasten his journey home; the vacant city represented a father’s heart as he had missed another sweet night with his beloved family.
The clock had barely struck 4am when he pulled into the driveway of his modest home. He was proud to look upon the house that his strenuous shift has allowed him to offer his family. A persistent longing wished that he could spend more of his waking hours enjoying the fruits of his labor with the ones he cherishes but simply hearing about their happiness and seeing them sleeping comfortably would have to suffice.
As he stepped out of his car and started towards the front door, he noticed that the lights inside were on. He wondered to himself if his wife was having trouble getting his ten month old daughter to sleep. Finding the front door unlocked, he entered the house with a slight irritation at such an oversight to his young family’s security. He proceeded down the hall stopping first at his infant daughter’s room. Upon finding her crib empty, his pace quickened as he stepped towards his own bedroom where he expected to find his wife and child awake together; given the blazing lights, unlocked door and empty crib.
The final steps that carried him into his bedroom would prove to be symbolic of his existence; for they were as though he were walking out of the life he had worked so hard to attain and stepping into a horror of which no words could ever described. There was no baby in bed with his sleeping wife, only their six year old son and a stray kitten they had taken in earlier that day. She seemed unaware of the things that were amiss in the house and the fact that their beloved infant was not where she had last left her. The other older children were roused in the suspicion that perhaps they had brought the child in to their rooms to have a companion with which to pass the evening. The siblings had no idea where their young sister was.
A quick survey of the baby’s room showed that the window had been tampered with and several cell phones usually kept in the kitchen were also missing. The police were frantically summoned; the nightmare had officially begun.
The above narrative is the real-life drama of the abduction of ten month old Lisa Irwin of Kansas City, Missouri. In the wee hours of the morning of Tuesday , October 4th Jeremy Irwin returned home after working the swing shift at his job as an electrician to the scene described above. The child’s mother and Jeremy’s wife Deborah Bradley stated that she was asleep and unaware of any activity that was occurring in the house. The Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) were summoned and they began a very intensive search for little baby Lisa.
When the driver went to work, it was a totally different world. The sun was out but a hand-breadth above the horizon , the streets packed with traffic, restaurants filled with hungry families and stopped cars filled with stressed faces as they all fought their way home to finally relax with their spouses, children, pets or parents. Now everything is silent and he is the only soul within sight. He is alone with his headlights and radio as he makes his way back to his house; back to his wife and baby daughter. The still silence reminds him that soon, he will join the legions in slumber; he will reunite with his young family in the sweet sanctity of sleep. The emptiness of the city served as a reminder of the emptiness that beckoned him to hasten his journey home; the vacant city represented a father’s heart as he had missed another sweet night with his beloved family.
The clock had barely struck 4am when he pulled into the driveway of his modest home. He was proud to look upon the house that his strenuous shift has allowed him to offer his family. A persistent longing wished that he could spend more of his waking hours enjoying the fruits of his labor with the ones he cherishes but simply hearing about their happiness and seeing them sleeping comfortably would have to suffice.
As he stepped out of his car and started towards the front door, he noticed that the lights inside were on. He wondered to himself if his wife was having trouble getting his ten month old daughter to sleep. Finding the front door unlocked, he entered the house with a slight irritation at such an oversight to his young family’s security. He proceeded down the hall stopping first at his infant daughter’s room. Upon finding her crib empty, his pace quickened as he stepped towards his own bedroom where he expected to find his wife and child awake together; given the blazing lights, unlocked door and empty crib.
The final steps that carried him into his bedroom would prove to be symbolic of his existence; for they were as though he were walking out of the life he had worked so hard to attain and stepping into a horror of which no words could ever described. There was no baby in bed with his sleeping wife, only their six year old son and a stray kitten they had taken in earlier that day. She seemed unaware of the things that were amiss in the house and the fact that their beloved infant was not where she had last left her. The other older children were roused in the suspicion that perhaps they had brought the child in to their rooms to have a companion with which to pass the evening. The siblings had no idea where their young sister was.
A quick survey of the baby’s room showed that the window had been tampered with and several cell phones usually kept in the kitchen were also missing. The police were frantically summoned; the nightmare had officially begun.
The above narrative is the real-life drama of the abduction of ten month old Lisa Irwin of Kansas City, Missouri. In the wee hours of the morning of Tuesday , October 4th Jeremy Irwin returned home after working the swing shift at his job as an electrician to the scene described above. The child’s mother and Jeremy’s wife Deborah Bradley stated that she was asleep and unaware of any activity that was occurring in the house. The Kansas City Police Department (KCPD) were summoned and they began a very intensive search for little baby Lisa.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
StormWatch: The Trott Report-"Kidnapped: The Case of Baby Irwin."
Available by clicking the iTunes button above OR by CLICKING HERE
****UPDATE**** Fox News is reporting at 4:45 PM PDT that Police have uncovered security camera footage of Deborah Bradley (little Lisa's Mother) in a mini mart with a man other than her husband buying a box of wine. She has also started to insist yet again that she is preparing for what seems to her to be her impending arrest. ****UPDATE****
Lisa Irwin |
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Kansas City Police Department (Missouri) 1-816-474-8477 National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
1-800-843-5678 (1-800-THE-LOST)
Both photos shown are of Lisa. She was last seen at home on October 4, 2011 at approximately 4:00 a.m. Lisa has a birthmark on her right thigh. She was last known to be wearing purple pants and a purple shirt with kittens on it
DOB: Nov 11, 2010 Missing: Oct 4, 2011
Age Now: 11 Month(s) Sex: Female Race: White Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 2'6" (76 cm) Weight: 30 lbs (14 kg) Missing From: KANSAS CITY, MO
Age Now: 11 Month(s) Sex: Female Race: White Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 2'6" (76 cm) Weight: 30 lbs (14 kg) Missing From: KANSAS CITY, MO
Friday, October 7, 2011
Tmaxx: The Creative Process....
Don't know why I made this video of myself writing. I was working on something when I got the bug to test the HD camera and take a break from the typing. I have been toying around with the idea of live shows and streaming video shows for awhile but later reached the conclusion that no one can stand to look at me for longer than one minute eighteen seconds! So this video is 1m:18s long and was shot in my bedroom office. (I usually do my recording and show work in the recording room (or "crocket" room) where I have an office set up...I also have one set up in the southern command station but today I have been in my bedroom.......why am I rambling on about this? No one cares!) Oh well, enjoy this candid footage of the master at work. I just thought it's be fun for those who don't know me to see the face behind the voice. Also I am pretty vain and will take just about any excuse to put pics and vids of myself online! At the very end of the video I make a extremely sexy series of facial expressions that are entirely worth the wait. Enjoy!!!! hahaha
PS: I do realize that there is ZERO demand to watch a video of a complete nobody typing. I just wanted to put a video of myself online.
PS: I do realize that there is ZERO demand to watch a video of a complete nobody typing. I just wanted to put a video of myself online.
Fart Gate......The Scandal and the Fetish Fans
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click here to view the post.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
StormWatch: The Trott Report- American Jobs Act 1 : The Obama Show.
I don't think I need to expain who this is but just in case: Pres. Barack H. Obama |
First of all read here: American Jobs Act: Read the Bill Here (this is to ensure I am not talking out of my butt!)
Just because I am such a very nice fellow, I have taken the time to read the new jobs bill for you so that we may all be informed as to what our government is trying to do. I know it can be boring but if we peer through the haze of boring old politics, there is a gem of a discussion in there!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Storm Watch: The Trott Report-"The Reality of History....a primer for ages 16 to 25"
CLICK HERE TO HEAR: StormWatch: The Trott Report-"The Reality of History"
Hello America and thanx for joining us one more time for another 46 minutes of totally enthralling discussion! The topic of this week's show is the about our youth in America (ages 16 to 25) and how their perception of reality is altered and, in some cases, changed by what they learn watching their favorite television shows. As with most things in popular culture, the shows that target the young demographic have gone through some major changes even compared to 16 years ago when I was just entering this age group. The reality TV genre in particular has become far more outrageous and provocative as TV audiences become immune to the behaviors exhibited by the cast of the last season. Even the TV teen drama's have become more akin to adult soap operas with the exception that there is actually more sex in the teen version. Once again, they are forced to make each successive season more dramatic and outrageous in order to not bore their audience.
So what's the problem? The people in that particular age bracket are in the midst of forming their opinions and feelings on what sex, love, marriage, friendship and family are all about and are experimenting with what sort of person they want to be when they are finally full adults. With these shows (that most of these kids spend hours every day watching) purportedly either "based" on the life of a "teenager" OR a "reality' show (which many confuse as a less boring documentary) they have formed the idea that what they see on television this is how real adults actually act! Little do they know that even the reality shows are set up in such a way as to manufacture an insane amount of drama (experts hired to select certain participants who they know will have conflict) as well as the the obvious point: NOBODY would ever watch a show about a normal, happy life!
Anyway, we took a look at the "lessons" being taught by four different shows all popular in the teen / college age groups and how different historical events would have turned out if the people had acted "REAL" like the cast of the show! I have written a brief version here for your educational enrichment!
American Revolution (Thomas Jefferson and George Washington) / in the style of Real Housewives of the Colonies.
While overhearing the women's increasingly obnoxious and slurred conversation , a young British Soldier approaches Mrs. Washington saying "Surely you do not need a corset to appear younger. You look as young as a blushing maiden."
Mrs. Jefferson is now livid at her frenemy, Mrs.Washington, has recieved such a compliment when SHE is the more attractive lady (and everyone knows it)
Inebriated and seeing red, Martha Jefferson takes to colonial facebook and writes in her status "Thank god I am not fake like certain general's wives and need the attention of all the king's men to make me feel beautiful."
Of course, this provokes a internet facebook fight which, eventually, spirals out of control. It gets so bad that the husbands were eventually forced to get involved. Thomas and George get together to make sure that what is going on with the wives is not affecting their political friendship, after all, these were JUST women.
George tells Tom: "All you have to worry about is your wife's perpetually running mouth. I'm the one with the real problem. I have to keep an eye more closely on my wife since she is so beautiful that men are constantly approaching her, trying to get inside her bussel"
After hearing his wife called ugly by this balding wig-wearing weakling. Thomas punches George in the mouth, knocking out most of his teeth (which a judge eventually made him replace....which he did.....with cheap wooden ones). George is so infuriated that he announces to Tom "If I ever see you or any British Soldier again it will be the death of you both!"
Tom runs to the British Soldier to warn him, who in turn goes to his superior officer about the threat. The British army then conducts an investigation which leads to George Washington's arrest for treason against the Crown, after the investigation turns up more than just a couple of threats. This derails the revolution and is the reason we are all Englishmen today.
Civil War (Abe Lincoln and Jefferson Davis)/ in the style of Jersey Shore .
Abe gets home and sees he has a million messages from friends who saw Davis’ post and responded in Abe’s protection. Abe responds: (read the picture text)
Eventually, Davis sobers up to see the flood of messages their little exchange generated.: Yo Dave, Florida got ur back, u tell dat fool we don’t play that here in the “F’. “L-Woww: just say da word and this DJ will get his Deleware boys and the big”D” will go south to teach those cousin lovers a lesson. Sick of all the messages that Davis kept sending to Lincoln in order to look tough in front of the homies, Lincoln put him on “ignore.” Davis did find this to be weak sauce so he had a homie from Jersey send Mary-Todd a picture of himself naked wearing a top hat and the confederate flag painted on his penis. What really irritated Honest Abe was the way the man was fist-pumping, which at that time was considered quite annoying and an indicator of someone having low intelligence.
The fighting finally kicked off when one of Davis’ supporters, in a drunken argument at a bar that straddled the Mason-Dixon line, used the “n” word and then argued that “it’s cool, my best friend’s black and he doesn’t mind when I say it. I’d DIE for all my Black Homies…” The ensuing bar fight eventually spread and all the states…..whose reps were totally drunk and jumped in as to not look weak. The whole thing was over after 4 minute and ended with the two men crying together, arm and arm and swearing to be friends for life.
World War II stateside (Rosie the Riveter and her crew)/ in the style of Bad Girls Club
All the men leave the country to go off to war leaving only the women and the men who were unfit for service either due to age, physical qualities or conscientious objection. Rosie calls a meeting of all her other girlfriends in order to band together and decide how they were going to keep things going in their respective households while their men were away. It was decided their that they were to take over the jobs and roles formerly held by the men and they agreed to meet in a few days, using the time to secure semi-permanent childcare.
At the next meeting, a few of the ladies had taken up drinking and smoking and, not wanting to be left out the other ones followed suit. They all agreed to learn all that they could about the men’s jobs and to go out and do them since there were not enough men to do them. Soon, their meeting became nightly and the drinking increased. Eventually, they started to form niches and cliques depending on what positions they held in the factory.
One night, Rosie, who had been drinking ever since she had gotten off work,had picked a fight with one of the smaller girls as she had cut her off mid-sentence while Rosie was rambling on about how horny she was and how if Uncle Sam took her husband the least he could do is to come sleep with her! Rosie started howling about how NO ONE disrespects her and promptly grabbed the girl by the hair and drew her in towards a half strength face slap. She then stopped there almost in a freeze frame while she waited for all of her friends to come and hold her back. Once she was firmly restrained, she went ballistic, swinging in the air and saying every curse word in the book whilst the smaller girl started spitting every drop of saliva she could muster.
The next morning when they awoke the house was in shambles and the house had been divided. Rosie and all of her assembly line workers were in one clique and all of the managerial / office staff were in the other dubbed the “princesses.” All across the country, the female workforce of every factory was filled with these same two drunken, fighting and promiscuous groups of women. After work, they would all go out to the bars but ended up getting thrown out.
Every so often, a visiting platoon of soldiers or sailors would be in town and at the local bars. The girls spent most of the time they weren’t drinking either talking about their horniness or comparing (and often stealing from each other) certain battery operated “massage wands” The girls would con the men into buying them drinks and dinner by making out with each other and lifting up their skirts or shirts to expose themselves.
One night, Rosie had a bit too much to drink and pissed off a member of her clique “the riveters” and they meted out some face slapping punishment. Lucky for her, a few of the princesses came to her aid and consoled her once things cooled down. There was then a change in alliances as she joined them and the riveters found a new leader.
This same scene occurred again and again all over the country, until there were so many alliances made and broken that no one trusted anyone else.
When the war ended and the men came home. ALL of their wives were either: pregnant, had STD’s, had kids the husband was sure weren’t there when he left, scars and bruises and all had raging alcohol problems. They were so upset that most ended up divorcing their spouses and instead of a baby BOOM, we had a substantial cooling of marriages and childbirths.
The Sixties White House (John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe)/ in the style of Secret Life Of The American Teenager
Marilyn texts JFK: “U Free?”.
She gets a text back “Busy. Tomorrow 2pm. Usual place.”
Feeling frustrated, Marilyn flips on the TV then scrolls through her contacts to see who she can call for a fun night.
The next day at 2pm at their usual place.
JFK: I stopped by your house last night but I saw through your window that you were busy. Who was that? And what’s the point of me trying to make this work if you’re gonna be screwing other guys?
Marilyn: Who do you think you are?! You tell me that you want to me to be committed to you, and the whole time your sleeping with Jackie! Why should I be faithful when you aren’t?
JFK: You know I have to keep up appearances, plus I have to treat Jackie right. She is the mother of my children.
Marilyn: You won’t let me be anything to you but a night of great sex! If she hadn’t been so stupid to get pregnant in the first place, we could be together now! Hasn’t she ever heard of birth control?
JFK: You are all I think about when I’m not with you. My job is suffering because I’m thinking of you too much. But if you want me to put your needs in front of my kids needs, you have to understand, that’s just not going to happen.
Marilyn: I just wish we could go out sometimes. I’m left alone here, missing you, then I see you at dinner with her. It makes me sick and makes me want a distraction. A distraction that is grateful for the chance to spend some time with me.” .
JFK: Well, we will be together on my birthday. Jackie wont be there and I’m making sure that there are no pictures taken. So it will kind of be like we are out together.
Marilyn: Well, you’d better start treating me better. Or else you might just have me pop up at some big event that you are at. Wouldn’t Jackie love to see me at a dinner, or a fundraiser, or a parade.
JFK: Marilyn, you wouldn’t.
Marilyn: You never know what I’d do to keep you.
At this point JFK realizes that this woman may in fact be a little obsessive and crazy so he decides that he really has to quit seeing her as he has finally decided that he wants to do right by his family. Marilyn is upset about this and sends Jackie an anonymous face book message telling her that she needs to attend JFK’s birthday party but to stay hidden in the back because she is to pop out at the end as a surprise to him.
When Marilyn is singing “Happy Birthday Mister President”, Jackie sees the way the two are looking at each other and gets enraged. She takes one of the bodyguard’s guns and fires three shots. Two hit Marilyn and one hit’s the President. Marilyn is killed instantly, the President was shot in his left testicle after standing to try to stop his wife in her murderous rage.
Since emotions are all controlling and every action one takes for love is justifiable Jackie is acquitted due to temporary insanity and the President is forced to resign, as he must enter the witness protection program since Jackie threatened to take the other “Boston baked bean as well as the Frank.”
With the President in hiding and Johnson not too big on the space program we never did go to the moon. Johnson, having an eye for the occasional lady who wasn’t his wife, spent all the Apollo money developing a bulletproof jock-strap and cup. To this day, many say that President Kennedy is being housed in a secret bunker (possibly on the moon).
PHEW!!!! OK and as promised.....Here is the photo of my tattoo:
Friday, September 9, 2011
Patriotism Test....How Much Do You Believe In Your Constitution....
Here in Northern Nevada, another atrocity was committed by yet another scumbag who insists on living amongst us on this great planet of ours. This time, a couple of National Guardsmen as well as a civilian lost their lives while enjoying a meal at the Carson City IHOP. (Here is the story) A gunman (allegedly) opened fire in the restaurant with an AK-47 killing three guardsmen as well a a civilian diner in addition to several others who were seriously wounded. At the time of this article, there does not appear to be any clear motive for this attack nor did appear that this man was targeting the soldiers but this fact has not deterred every one's favorite abusers of the first amendment from capitalizing on this senseless crime.
The Alleged Shooter |
Within hours of this story hitting the wires, 
the Westboro Baptist "Church" threatened to use the occasion to promote their hate filled brand of Christianity in front of a nation-wide audience. For those of you who are blessed to not have any idea who these people are, these are the genii who pop up at just about every memorial event for US soldiers they can find; holding signs that display wonderfully supportive and Christian messages such as: "God hates Fags" ( the link provided by clicking on the name of the "church" leads you to a site "God hates Jews" (I am a tad bit confused about this statement...), "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and many others that are equally offensive and hurtful; having been designed specifically to be as offensive as possible to the grieving family as well as the nation in order to further their cause of religious extremism.
Again, for those of you who have not had your brain polluted with this garbage and who still may have faith in the general good nature of all mankind, let me fill you in on some background information on this group. They are basically a cult who masquerade as a Baptist "church" . They preach many of the same basic messages found in most Christian religions but they fill theirs with the same style of extremism and hate that our young men and women are overseas fighting to eradicate. They openly boast their belief that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were punishment from God for a nation that permits homosexuality and other social "ills" to exist freely in our society without persecution or harassment. On Sept. 10 of this year, they plan to picket all of the 10th anniversary memorial events honoring those who lost their lives in the most devastating act of terrorism our nation has ever seen. Their explanation? Read on if you have the stomach:
"WBC [Westboro Baptist "Church"] to picket the body worship session at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. You have been worshipping these dead bodies now for 10 years. How shameful! You never learn. The Lord God Almighty required the souls of every one of those people on that day and you think that all this whining and crying around will bring back one of those dead bodies? Wake up! They are all in hell."
This quote was taken directly off of their picket schedule which can be found HERE along side of many other examples of hate run amok. They also plan a protest at ground zero on the the anniversary date itself. Here is an excerpt of the information given about this particular protest:
"God is sick of your words! You prop up EVERY evil person as a hero, no matter what they did in this life! It is shameful!"
As with every bit of ridiculous hate speech, I have let most of what this group says fly through my ears and re-direct it to my rectum where the other material of the same value ends up. Unfortunately, it is not enough for them to simply believe what they do and keep it only on some obscure website in some dusty backwoods part of the Internet. Their trademark "evangelical" technique and the act that has earned them such notoriety, is to show up at the funeral services of fallen US soldiers, holding those inflammatory signs and accosting the families with their bile.
They have made themselves such a hated organization that a group of veterans formed a counter-protest / protection group called the Patriot Guard Riders who use their bodies and Harleys to form a wall between the ahem...missionaries...ahem and the soldiers' families so they do not have to see this hate and to minimize the access and contact the hate mongers have with the grieving families; thus stopping them from intimidating the bereaved. They escort the motorcade and serve almost as body guards, protecting the families (as some of these protests have actually turned violent....either by church members themselves or angry mourners) and using the sound of their Harley engines to drown out their ignorant chanting. To most of us, the last thing we would like to hear at the funeral of a loved one taken in the prime of their life is the guttural roar of a line of Harley Davidsons; but to these families, I am sure it sounds like a choir of angels sent from heaven to protect them from the worst humanity has to offer.
As mentioned above, this group has declared it's intention to come to Northern Nevada on Sunday (this is also the date of the services I believe) in order to exploit the death of our sons, our brothers, husbands, friends, fathers and neighbors in order to propagate their hate speech using the funeral services as their platform. This was first reported as a possibility in my local newspaper here in Churchill County. (Click HERE for the article.) The more I researched this topic, the more I knew that I needed find out if they indeed planned to exploit the deaths of the guardsmen and civilians so that we might be able to get the word out about it.
In my usual charming Tmaxx style, (hard-headed and stubborn) I just had to go and find out exactly what they have to say about this tragic incident. It is not fair to assume what the WBC's take on this tragic event might be (as these poor souls were not in combat etc) or to base all my writing off of third and fourth hand regurgitated information. So late last night, I contacted them with some questions and they were "good" enough to respond. I really wanted to know if they were indeed planning on ruining the services of these local heroes and what their organization had to say about the fact that these were not men executing the will of the "immoral" USA but a group of men eating pancakes.
I was directed by who I assume is their PR guy to a person named Margie Phelps, who was the one who provided me with the statements you are about to read below. The PR person was very cordial and described the lady who was to answer my questions as being an "elder woman and a very kind and wise soul." (Personal note: You can judge for yourself but I did not find the tone of response to my questions to be very "kind" but that is neither here nor there.) The PR representative was very proud to point out to me that Ms. Phelps is the very person who successfully argued their case in front of the US Supreme Court. I am not going to lie, I did not feel very good about myself for sending them such a professional inquiry and not lambasting them for their ignorance and total lack of basic human kindness but I felt it necessary. After all, if our soldiers can come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and brush these folks off then certainly I could suck it up and do what needs to be done.
(disclaimer, her responses have NOT been edited. I have indicated her errors where I have remembered to do so but ALL of her responses have been copied and pasted directly into the article. All the errors from this attorney with a victory in the US Supreme Court are entirely her own.)
TMAXX: Are you planning on having a presence at the services of the soldier victims of the IHOP shootings?
Margie Phelps: Yes, we are planning to picket these funerals and warn the living that God is not mocked, and if you live in proud sin, mock His messengers, and disobey His laws, He deals with you in His wrath.
TMAXX: What is your organizations official stance on the shootings of the
guardsmen and civilians at the Carson City IHOP on Sept 6? (Your site
contained a blog entry entitled: "God's weapon: Nevada shooter" or
something to that effect. Blogs are often written by informal users so
I can not assume that this is the OFFICIAL stance of your organization until told so by a
member of your administration.)
Phelps: We have said over and over, in many fora – and say here again -- that God sent the shooter. See our sign that says “God Sent the Shooter” at & our Sign Movie, “God Sent the Shooter” at God holds the breath of life and the hearts of all mankind in His hands. “Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” Am. 3:6. That’s rhetorical; all evil in all cities is done by the LORD (when you see all caps on LORD, that’s God the Jehovah the Avenging Judging Warrior!) You bow down to people in uniform; you are a violent rebellious people. Violence is breaking out all over this land. God did it. Are duty – AND YOUR DUTY – is to warn the living. When God brings the sword – affliction, violence, punishment, war, etc. – if you don’t lift up your voice and say “STOP SINNING” – when the rest of your fellow man still alive, die in their sins, their blood is on your hands. Ezekiel 3 & 33. The blood of this nation will not be on our hands.
TMAXX: Does it matter, according to your interpretation of the tenets of
Christianity (as there are many interpretations) that the soldiers
were not enforcing any foreign policy of the USA and were merely
having lunch?
Phelps:There aren’t many interpretations. 2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The Bible is clear, and requires no interpretation to rightly understand, on God’s commandments against homosexuality, same-sex marriage, fornication, adultery (including divorce/remarriage), idolatry, greed, sorceries (mind-altering drugs) and murder. This nation is proudly awash in all those sins, and aggressively practicing those sins from early youth is the national policies of the doomed-america. We don’t know or care what those particular soldiers were doing at the moment God struck them dead. If you think they were greater sinners than you, you’re foolish; unless YOU repent, you will likewise perish. God creates those national guardsmen, and He disposed with them according to His good will and pleasure. For His glory, He struck them down at that hour. He raised up the shooter, brought him to his adult years, formed the weapon, and sent him forth from eternity past, for this event to happen. He did it to WARN YOU TO STOP SINNING. He has given this nation so many fair warnings, it is utterly amazing. You hard hearts open your big maws, and start blathering about innocence and happenstance, and absolutely refuse to see the mighty works of God. For that fact, ALONE, this nation is doomed.
TMAXX: Due to the apparent random nature of this
crime and the fact that these men were in "the wrong place at the
wrong time" had this had been the children of your clergy or other
person whom your church considered in high esteem, what would the
church's honest position be? I have no interest in the usual position given
to the media intended to reinforce the church's political agenda.....I want to know what
the church would be telling its own congregation on Sunday morning as the reasoning
behind their death.
Phelps: First, in point of fact, it’s NOT members of Westboro Baptist Church who got killed. God makes the decision who gets killed, when and how. Rather than cursing this little humble church with the mayhem that permeates this evil land, He has kept us, protected us, blessed us, and made us to prosper. He has kindly permitted us to preach to the whole world. We are very thankful.Second, we’ll discuss your straw man, so you don’t leave pretending you have some talking point. WE ARE AN OPEN BOOK. We don’t have two different tracks of message. What we say to the world, we say to each other. What we testify to about the glories of God, we testify amongst this body DAILY, with great gratitude. If God ever saw fit to kill a member of this church, WE WOULD REJOICE! We know that precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of one of His saints! We know it is better to be with Christ in glory than in this evil world. We know that we will be in this world the exact number of nanoseconds God leaves us in this world, then – we have a strong hope which we are ready to give the reason for to all comers – when we are done, we will be in glory. Also, if someone in this church died in this current condition of things, it would be a massive publicity event. So if any little lamb in this church died, at the hands of God Almighty, that little lamb would be SO ECSTATIC that the last thing s/he did on this earth was bring more attention to these words! The fact that this dumb superstitious idolatrous bloody nation is full of necromancers does NOT make death a big mystery. The days of man are short and full of mischief. It is a finite speck on the grand scheme of time. But you brutes invest EVERYTHING into lying to each other with every breath, and living out your days chasing your lust and sin (whatever is your preferred brand of poison). We do not. We live our days in humility and thanksgiving, knowing that at any second the Lord could take us home. We recommend it for all your readers.
Finally, in the close of my message to them in which I was explaining to them what I planned to write about and offering to send them a link to the finished article they responded:
None of these words were/are necessary. Are (sic) duty is to publish. We publish. What you do with the words, you and everyone else who sees and hears them (because God opens the doors of utterance), you will answer for at the White Throne. We don’t serve man; we serve God. It is of the greatest irrelevance what the walking 7 billion damned on this earth think about the words. They are true; they are everlasting; and the duty every individual ever born will have for eternity is to fear God and keep His commandments. Thank you for the opportunity to say these words.
Getting that interview to explain their point of view was the easy part. There are so few people like that in this country that the list of those qualified to speak on their behalf is quite short. The hard part is finding the perfect person to pen a rebuttal. Although, I believe to know how the servicemen think about this group, I have never returned from war, having lost friends in the battle only to be confronted at their funeral by this sort of ignorance. Nor have I ever depended on a group of men to protect my very life only to return to my home town to see them gunned down (allegedly) by a madman as they enjoyed a meal at a local restaurant while a "church" makes fun of their death and tortures their families. I am not qualified.
I am honored to have amongst my circle of friends one of America's finest. He has served our country in several tours of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as having served with the very men who were cut down in the cowardly act in Carson City. I could not think of a single person who is more qualified to offer a rebuttal to the bile filled intellectual vomit printed above than Spc. Brian Crane. He has so graciously donated his time to offer us a point of view that only someone who has fought for our freedoms side to side with the very men who were just (allegedly) murdered at the hands of that madman can. The deaths of these soldiers, his friends, being the very thing that brings this hate group into our very own community. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to present to you Mr. Brian Crane:
The moment I read a single text from my wife about a shooting in Carson
City that left several Nevada National Guard members dead, that I knew
them. See, I used to be a Title 32 Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Supply
Sergeant with the Nevada Guard. Basically this means that when the bulk
of the unit is back home attending to their civilian lives, I'm on full
active status to work the business of the unit. There's typically 2 to 4
people who do this for every unit. There's also a small contingency that
runs the state's headquarters and runs the business for the State, and
overseas the various unit's of the State Guard. These members were also
personnel on full-time, serving the National Guard. I used to work with
the murdered service members and I can honestly say that the good things
said about them in the newspapers was entirely true. I've known them for
years and the State and the US Military has lost some of it's finest. I
truly mean this, these people were good people and I have high standards
on this. I will miss them as well. I learned the Westboro Baptist
Church (the ones that like to protest military funerals) will possibly
be taking a trip the Nevada to protest at the funerals for these service
members. This is even worse behavior considering the members weren't
even killed in combat, but murdered while eating breakfast. Well here's
what I have to say about that: Go for it... Now let me explain... I'm
not saying that they SHOULD do this...remember these people were friends
of mine, but that they have the right, and the right to exercise that
right, because of people like the murdered Guard members. I still serve
in the Guard... I have 8 years in the Army, 4 and a half years active,
and would never wish this church on anybody...but I would opt for them
to protest over losing the right to do so. I'd allow them at my own
funeral as long as I know that their right to do it is protected.
America's sovereignty lies with it's people, not it's government. This
means that we, as a people, need to exercise our rights as much as
possible. This includes the right to refuse service, this includes the
right to sue, this includes the right to protest... This includes the
right to direct those at the Westboro Baptist Church. Nobody is being a
better person by not exercising the rights. They, in a way, are slightly
negating the sacrifice of millions of military, law enforcement,
civilian and others that have lost their lives to preserve the right for
us still here. I say we should honor their memory, not with thought, but
with action. I'm not calling for a call to arms or violence or anything
else. I'm calling for those that can, to exercise our rights, and use
them against hate groups like the WBC. I'm saying that we should fight
fire with fire so to speak. Remember, and I truly believe this : The
best way to honor the fallen, is to stand up. - Brian Crane
Amazing isn't it? The Westboro Baptist "Church" chuckles at the idea of Spc. Crane and his fellow soldiers dying while fighting for the "church's" right to spew their venom YET despite this group's name-calling, lack of intellectual honesty/ maturity in debate and just general juvenile behavior when explaining their views, the US soldier still argues for their right to do so! When they are attacked in the media, they cry and whine. The US soldier is the innocent "victim" of this hate group, having never done a single thing in violation of their beliefs yet they comport themselves with honor and integrity. (I use "victim" in quotations as no soldier would classify themselves as a "victim" of these intellectually challenged people.)
As much as I would LOVE to tear their stated positions apart both on the theological front as well as the patriotic one I shall not. That is not what we are discussing here today. Spc. Crane shows the strength and self control of a US soldier in his response and shows us all why our men and women in uniform deserve all the respect they are given despite this group showing their families such hate during their darkest hour. So if he can keep his emotions in check to keep the bigger issue in sight then so must I.
In my usual charming Tmaxx style, (hard-headed and stubborn) I just had to go and find out exactly what they have to say about this tragic incident. It is not fair to assume what the WBC's take on this tragic event might be (as these poor souls were not in combat etc) or to base all my writing off of third and fourth hand regurgitated information. So late last night, I contacted them with some questions and they were "good" enough to respond. I really wanted to know if they were indeed planning on ruining the services of these local heroes and what their organization had to say about the fact that these were not men executing the will of the "immoral" USA but a group of men eating pancakes.
I was directed by who I assume is their PR guy to a person named Margie Phelps, who was the one who provided me with the statements you are about to read below. The PR person was very cordial and described the lady who was to answer my questions as being an "elder woman and a very kind and wise soul." (Personal note: You can judge for yourself but I did not find the tone of response to my questions to be very "kind" but that is neither here nor there.) The PR representative was very proud to point out to me that Ms. Phelps is the very person who successfully argued their case in front of the US Supreme Court. I am not going to lie, I did not feel very good about myself for sending them such a professional inquiry and not lambasting them for their ignorance and total lack of basic human kindness but I felt it necessary. After all, if our soldiers can come back from Iraq and Afghanistan and brush these folks off then certainly I could suck it up and do what needs to be done.
(disclaimer, her responses have NOT been edited. I have indicated her errors where I have remembered to do so but ALL of her responses have been copied and pasted directly into the article. All the errors from this attorney with a victory in the US Supreme Court are entirely her own.)
TMAXX: Are you planning on having a presence at the services of the soldier victims of the IHOP shootings?
Margie Phelps: Yes, we are planning to picket these funerals and warn the living that God is not mocked, and if you live in proud sin, mock His messengers, and disobey His laws, He deals with you in His wrath.
TMAXX: What is your organizations official stance on the shootings of the
guardsmen and civilians at the Carson City IHOP on Sept 6? (Your site
contained a blog entry entitled: "God's weapon: Nevada shooter" or
something to that effect. Blogs are often written by informal users so
I can not assume that this is the OFFICIAL stance of your organization until told so by a
member of your administration.)
Phelps: We have said over and over, in many fora – and say here again -- that God sent the shooter. See our sign that says “God Sent the Shooter” at & our Sign Movie, “God Sent the Shooter” at God holds the breath of life and the hearts of all mankind in His hands. “Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” Am. 3:6. That’s rhetorical; all evil in all cities is done by the LORD (when you see all caps on LORD, that’s God the Jehovah the Avenging Judging Warrior!) You bow down to people in uniform; you are a violent rebellious people. Violence is breaking out all over this land. God did it. Are duty – AND YOUR DUTY – is to warn the living. When God brings the sword – affliction, violence, punishment, war, etc. – if you don’t lift up your voice and say “STOP SINNING” – when the rest of your fellow man still alive, die in their sins, their blood is on your hands. Ezekiel 3 & 33. The blood of this nation will not be on our hands.
TMAXX: Does it matter, according to your interpretation of the tenets of
Christianity (as there are many interpretations) that the soldiers
were not enforcing any foreign policy of the USA and were merely
having lunch?
Phelps:There aren’t many interpretations. 2 Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. The Bible is clear, and requires no interpretation to rightly understand, on God’s commandments against homosexuality, same-sex marriage, fornication, adultery (including divorce/remarriage), idolatry, greed, sorceries (mind-altering drugs) and murder. This nation is proudly awash in all those sins, and aggressively practicing those sins from early youth is the national policies of the doomed-america. We don’t know or care what those particular soldiers were doing at the moment God struck them dead. If you think they were greater sinners than you, you’re foolish; unless YOU repent, you will likewise perish. God creates those national guardsmen, and He disposed with them according to His good will and pleasure. For His glory, He struck them down at that hour. He raised up the shooter, brought him to his adult years, formed the weapon, and sent him forth from eternity past, for this event to happen. He did it to WARN YOU TO STOP SINNING. He has given this nation so many fair warnings, it is utterly amazing. You hard hearts open your big maws, and start blathering about innocence and happenstance, and absolutely refuse to see the mighty works of God. For that fact, ALONE, this nation is doomed.
TMAXX: Due to the apparent random nature of this
crime and the fact that these men were in "the wrong place at the
wrong time" had this had been the children of your clergy or other
person whom your church considered in high esteem, what would the
church's honest position be? I have no interest in the usual position given
to the media intended to reinforce the church's political agenda.....I want to know what
the church would be telling its own congregation on Sunday morning as the reasoning
behind their death.
Phelps: First, in point of fact, it’s NOT members of Westboro Baptist Church who got killed. God makes the decision who gets killed, when and how. Rather than cursing this little humble church with the mayhem that permeates this evil land, He has kept us, protected us, blessed us, and made us to prosper. He has kindly permitted us to preach to the whole world. We are very thankful.Second, we’ll discuss your straw man, so you don’t leave pretending you have some talking point. WE ARE AN OPEN BOOK. We don’t have two different tracks of message. What we say to the world, we say to each other. What we testify to about the glories of God, we testify amongst this body DAILY, with great gratitude. If God ever saw fit to kill a member of this church, WE WOULD REJOICE! We know that precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of one of His saints! We know it is better to be with Christ in glory than in this evil world. We know that we will be in this world the exact number of nanoseconds God leaves us in this world, then – we have a strong hope which we are ready to give the reason for to all comers – when we are done, we will be in glory. Also, if someone in this church died in this current condition of things, it would be a massive publicity event. So if any little lamb in this church died, at the hands of God Almighty, that little lamb would be SO ECSTATIC that the last thing s/he did on this earth was bring more attention to these words! The fact that this dumb superstitious idolatrous bloody nation is full of necromancers does NOT make death a big mystery. The days of man are short and full of mischief. It is a finite speck on the grand scheme of time. But you brutes invest EVERYTHING into lying to each other with every breath, and living out your days chasing your lust and sin (whatever is your preferred brand of poison). We do not. We live our days in humility and thanksgiving, knowing that at any second the Lord could take us home. We recommend it for all your readers.
Finally, in the close of my message to them in which I was explaining to them what I planned to write about and offering to send them a link to the finished article they responded:
None of these words were/are necessary. Are (sic) duty is to publish. We publish. What you do with the words, you and everyone else who sees and hears them (because God opens the doors of utterance), you will answer for at the White Throne. We don’t serve man; we serve God. It is of the greatest irrelevance what the walking 7 billion damned on this earth think about the words. They are true; they are everlasting; and the duty every individual ever born will have for eternity is to fear God and keep His commandments. Thank you for the opportunity to say these words.
Getting that interview to explain their point of view was the easy part. There are so few people like that in this country that the list of those qualified to speak on their behalf is quite short. The hard part is finding the perfect person to pen a rebuttal. Although, I believe to know how the servicemen think about this group, I have never returned from war, having lost friends in the battle only to be confronted at their funeral by this sort of ignorance. Nor have I ever depended on a group of men to protect my very life only to return to my home town to see them gunned down (allegedly) by a madman as they enjoyed a meal at a local restaurant while a "church" makes fun of their death and tortures their families. I am not qualified.
I am honored to have amongst my circle of friends one of America's finest. He has served our country in several tours of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as having served with the very men who were cut down in the cowardly act in Carson City. I could not think of a single person who is more qualified to offer a rebuttal to the bile filled intellectual vomit printed above than Spc. Brian Crane. He has so graciously donated his time to offer us a point of view that only someone who has fought for our freedoms side to side with the very men who were just (allegedly) murdered at the hands of that madman can. The deaths of these soldiers, his friends, being the very thing that brings this hate group into our very own community. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am honored to present to you Mr. Brian Crane:
The moment I read a single text from my wife about a shooting in Carson
City that left several Nevada National Guard members dead, that I knew
them. See, I used to be a Title 32 Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) Supply
Sergeant with the Nevada Guard. Basically this means that when the bulk
of the unit is back home attending to their civilian lives, I'm on full
active status to work the business of the unit. There's typically 2 to 4
people who do this for every unit. There's also a small contingency that
runs the state's headquarters and runs the business for the State, and
overseas the various unit's of the State Guard. These members were also
personnel on full-time, serving the National Guard. I used to work with
the murdered service members and I can honestly say that the good things
said about them in the newspapers was entirely true. I've known them for
years and the State and the US Military has lost some of it's finest. I
truly mean this, these people were good people and I have high standards
on this. I will miss them as well. I learned the Westboro Baptist
Church (the ones that like to protest military funerals) will possibly
be taking a trip the Nevada to protest at the funerals for these service
members. This is even worse behavior considering the members weren't
even killed in combat, but murdered while eating breakfast. Well here's
what I have to say about that: Go for it... Now let me explain... I'm
not saying that they SHOULD do this...remember these people were friends
of mine, but that they have the right, and the right to exercise that
right, because of people like the murdered Guard members. I still serve
in the Guard... I have 8 years in the Army, 4 and a half years active,
and would never wish this church on anybody...but I would opt for them
to protest over losing the right to do so. I'd allow them at my own
funeral as long as I know that their right to do it is protected.
America's sovereignty lies with it's people, not it's government. This
means that we, as a people, need to exercise our rights as much as
possible. This includes the right to refuse service, this includes the
right to sue, this includes the right to protest... This includes the
right to direct those at the Westboro Baptist Church. Nobody is being a
better person by not exercising the rights. They, in a way, are slightly
negating the sacrifice of millions of military, law enforcement,
civilian and others that have lost their lives to preserve the right for
us still here. I say we should honor their memory, not with thought, but
with action. I'm not calling for a call to arms or violence or anything
else. I'm calling for those that can, to exercise our rights, and use
them against hate groups like the WBC. I'm saying that we should fight
fire with fire so to speak. Remember, and I truly believe this : The
best way to honor the fallen, is to stand up. - Brian Crane
Amazing isn't it? The Westboro Baptist "Church" chuckles at the idea of Spc. Crane and his fellow soldiers dying while fighting for the "church's" right to spew their venom YET despite this group's name-calling, lack of intellectual honesty/ maturity in debate and just general juvenile behavior when explaining their views, the US soldier still argues for their right to do so! When they are attacked in the media, they cry and whine. The US soldier is the innocent "victim" of this hate group, having never done a single thing in violation of their beliefs yet they comport themselves with honor and integrity. (I use "victim" in quotations as no soldier would classify themselves as a "victim" of these intellectually challenged people.)
As much as I would LOVE to tear their stated positions apart both on the theological front as well as the patriotic one I shall not. That is not what we are discussing here today. Spc. Crane shows the strength and self control of a US soldier in his response and shows us all why our men and women in uniform deserve all the respect they are given despite this group showing their families such hate during their darkest hour. So if he can keep his emotions in check to keep the bigger issue in sight then so must I.
Here's where your test begins. In case you couldn't tell, neither Spc. Crane nor I believe whatsoever in what these people stand for and we are disgusted to share a planet with insensitive individuals as these. This, however, is America and our constitution guarantees these individuals, these "Christian", these bigots the right to do all the hateful things that they do. After all, though they can be classified as many different things, most of them negative, they are also "American" and as such they have the same right to their religion and to free speech and the soldiers they mock. Admittedly, they (in my opinion) flirt with being classified in the same group as other religious extremist organizations (Hamas, Al-Qaeda) but for the fact that they have not actually been caught yet orchestrating any sort of attack. I have no doubt (read their website) that if they had the means, they would love nothing more than to force the entire country if not world into their belief system ; they've already established that those who do not agree shall be killed (sound familiar? death to infidels?) BUT as of yet, it is just an ideology which is protected by the lives of millions of young men who have laid down their lives in the past 250 years or so. So I ask you.....How much do you believe in the US Constitution? As despicable as these morons are, should they be able to continue to do this? Even though they are accosting the very men and women who swore their very lives in defense of the very document the WBC hide behind to purvey their ignorance?
If you answered "NO" to this then you have FAILED your constitution test. What they do is constitutional and must remain much as it sickens me to say it.
If you answered "NO" to this then you have FAILED your constitution test. What they do is constitutional and must remain much as it sickens me to say it.
My question for all of you freedom-loving believers in the constitution is this: Between this group of.....lets just call them "zealots" and those of us who are NOT hate filled, which one is actually exercising the rights men like Brian and the fallen shooting victims fight to preserve? If we detest these horrible people so much, why doesn't America as a people exercise OUR rights and put these people out of business? The Freedom Riders are doing it, what are the rest of us doing? I cant help but notice that the "church" has a website, signs, ad space etc.....where are the Americans who CHOOSE to do business with these groups of animals? This site upon which you read this is granted to me so long as I abide by certain rules: no porn, no hate. If I break these rules they will back out of our agreement and shut me down. Certainly, WBC's Internet host has a similar rule. Why don't they enforce it? Is this not "hate"?
This is a free country and people can choose to enter into business agreements with those whom they CHOOSE to. Basically, if we don't want them here in Carson City or wherever the funerals will be held, why are the business owners and population as a whole not exercising their rights and denying any business arrangements with them? Hotel owners, why on earth would you cry about how horrible this group is and then turn around and rent them a room? Yes, WBC has every right to do what they do but we have rights as well.
Should we then amend the Constitution to prohibit such speech from occuring or adjust the interpretation to allow for punishment for groups who behave like this in the future? Absolutely not. In order to enjoy these wonderful freedoms that make us the envy of the world, we sometimes need to endure some darkness that hides in the loopholes. Close these "loopholes' and somewhere down the road, what was once meant to limit hate speech can later be used to ban any number of other types of speech depending on which judge is interpreting it. So the best response is to let it be; they are free to speak and society is free to react.
Their right to speak does not include a pulpit, megaphone, shelter, air time and hotel accommodations. These are all up to other individuals to provide. "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." I hate to think that my fellow Americans who are as outraged as I am, would sell their convictions as well as assist in the ruining of the funeral for a fallen hero for the price of a room and some poster board. There is a difference between having a right to do something and having the ability to spread their message. The government can not stop them and that is a good thing. WE can. The constitution limits what the government can do. These morons have the right to say and do whatever they want. That is it. They do not have the right to all the tools they need to exercise effectively their free speech.
In closing, we should celebrate the idea of living in a country where every spoken idea is permitted and every act of expression is protected. This group, no matter how vile their message, is a great example of what our brave men and women fight for. They are actively using their rights and in the process getting exactly what they want. They want to to be pissed. They want you to know that you can not stop them and that every family of a fallen soldier is basically at their mercy. It makes them feel powerful and in their closed group they believe that they are forcing "God's" will down your throat whether you like it or not. In reality, this is not at all what is happening but that is the beauty of closed societies!
The best way to really show the world the greatness of this nation is to fight fire with fire, support their constitutional right with YOUR constitutional right! They have the right to speak, NOT the right to be heard, so why then must we give them the podium, microphone, housing and national air time to exercise this right? The Patriot Guard Riders are awesome and with some of our country's biggest hearts are doing their best BUT they need your help. I dare say that these scum are more "American" than those of us who complain but do nothing. If we really despise those among us who would use our freedoms for evil, to cause pain and sadness, then let us all exercise our right to not have any dealings with them! The WBC is a very small group of individuals who, but for the intense media coverage surround their little protests, would be unknown to America save their immediate community. We need to resist the knee-jerk reaction to alter our interpretation of the constitution just to silence a tiny band of wayward souls in desperate need of some sort of professional help. Our constitution is a dynamic document and any alterations would indeed have consequences that would strip us all of our rights.
In closing, I would like to share with you a little sparkle of hope. There are those in the media who are using their rights to combat the WBC. In my phone crusade this morning to all the local media outlets I ran across the editor of the Nevada Appeal , the print newspaper in Carson City. He informed me that he is choosing not to publish anything about this hate group until they actually do something that is newsworthy. He stated that this group has zero credibility as, in a ploy for free publicity and public reaction, they often will state their intention to come to local military funerals but then never actually show up. He went on to explain that if he published every inflammatory statement that slid out of their mouths, he would only be giving them a large platform and audience to spread their message and he had no interest in doing so.
So there you have it. Sensationalism sells newspapers but at least one editor will not indulge in it because he is using his right to deny WBC an audience. That is putting his money where his mouth is. I think we should all do the same.
Disclaimer: a) I do not support the use of the word "fag" in the context of referring to a homosexual. As a person who believes this is a biological predisposition as well having several loved ones in my family and circle of friends who identify as homosexual, I do not use this word as part of my personal lexicon nor do any of the people I choose to associate with. It was necessary for illustrative purposes in this article and I believe this would be totally understood by all my readers. However, as a decent human being, I could not publish this without making clear my own feelings on the matter. b) I struggled with allowing the publication of the web addresses of the Westboro Baptist "Church's" filthy propaganda here in the text of the interview. However, I do believe that knowledge is power and chose to leave them intact so that the reader may see for themselves the depth of their ignorance and have a full, first-hand understanding of the issue.
This is a free country and people can choose to enter into business agreements with those whom they CHOOSE to. Basically, if we don't want them here in Carson City or wherever the funerals will be held, why are the business owners and population as a whole not exercising their rights and denying any business arrangements with them? Hotel owners, why on earth would you cry about how horrible this group is and then turn around and rent them a room? Yes, WBC has every right to do what they do but we have rights as well.
Should we then amend the Constitution to prohibit such speech from occuring or adjust the interpretation to allow for punishment for groups who behave like this in the future? Absolutely not. In order to enjoy these wonderful freedoms that make us the envy of the world, we sometimes need to endure some darkness that hides in the loopholes. Close these "loopholes' and somewhere down the road, what was once meant to limit hate speech can later be used to ban any number of other types of speech depending on which judge is interpreting it. So the best response is to let it be; they are free to speak and society is free to react.
Their right to speak does not include a pulpit, megaphone, shelter, air time and hotel accommodations. These are all up to other individuals to provide. "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." I hate to think that my fellow Americans who are as outraged as I am, would sell their convictions as well as assist in the ruining of the funeral for a fallen hero for the price of a room and some poster board. There is a difference between having a right to do something and having the ability to spread their message. The government can not stop them and that is a good thing. WE can. The constitution limits what the government can do. These morons have the right to say and do whatever they want. That is it. They do not have the right to all the tools they need to exercise effectively their free speech.
In closing, we should celebrate the idea of living in a country where every spoken idea is permitted and every act of expression is protected. This group, no matter how vile their message, is a great example of what our brave men and women fight for. They are actively using their rights and in the process getting exactly what they want. They want to to be pissed. They want you to know that you can not stop them and that every family of a fallen soldier is basically at their mercy. It makes them feel powerful and in their closed group they believe that they are forcing "God's" will down your throat whether you like it or not. In reality, this is not at all what is happening but that is the beauty of closed societies!
The best way to really show the world the greatness of this nation is to fight fire with fire, support their constitutional right with YOUR constitutional right! They have the right to speak, NOT the right to be heard, so why then must we give them the podium, microphone, housing and national air time to exercise this right? The Patriot Guard Riders are awesome and with some of our country's biggest hearts are doing their best BUT they need your help. I dare say that these scum are more "American" than those of us who complain but do nothing. If we really despise those among us who would use our freedoms for evil, to cause pain and sadness, then let us all exercise our right to not have any dealings with them! The WBC is a very small group of individuals who, but for the intense media coverage surround their little protests, would be unknown to America save their immediate community. We need to resist the knee-jerk reaction to alter our interpretation of the constitution just to silence a tiny band of wayward souls in desperate need of some sort of professional help. Our constitution is a dynamic document and any alterations would indeed have consequences that would strip us all of our rights.
In closing, I would like to share with you a little sparkle of hope. There are those in the media who are using their rights to combat the WBC. In my phone crusade this morning to all the local media outlets I ran across the editor of the Nevada Appeal , the print newspaper in Carson City. He informed me that he is choosing not to publish anything about this hate group until they actually do something that is newsworthy. He stated that this group has zero credibility as, in a ploy for free publicity and public reaction, they often will state their intention to come to local military funerals but then never actually show up. He went on to explain that if he published every inflammatory statement that slid out of their mouths, he would only be giving them a large platform and audience to spread their message and he had no interest in doing so.
So there you have it. Sensationalism sells newspapers but at least one editor will not indulge in it because he is using his right to deny WBC an audience. That is putting his money where his mouth is. I think we should all do the same.
Disclaimer: a) I do not support the use of the word "fag" in the context of referring to a homosexual. As a person who believes this is a biological predisposition as well having several loved ones in my family and circle of friends who identify as homosexual, I do not use this word as part of my personal lexicon nor do any of the people I choose to associate with. It was necessary for illustrative purposes in this article and I believe this would be totally understood by all my readers. However, as a decent human being, I could not publish this without making clear my own feelings on the matter. b) I struggled with allowing the publication of the web addresses of the Westboro Baptist "Church's" filthy propaganda here in the text of the interview. However, I do believe that knowledge is power and chose to leave them intact so that the reader may see for themselves the depth of their ignorance and have a full, first-hand understanding of the issue.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Preview.....Upcoming Article.... It will be a MUST READ!!!!! (This is not an excerpt....this is a description of article to come. Real one will even have attention to grammar!)
Hello everyone. Take a gander at this gem of a website: This group is on its way (possibly) to northern Nevada following the horrific shooting in Carson City which claimed the lives of several National Guardsmen. I am working with a very special guest on a piece in which this group is examined as well a very special perspective on the constitutionality of the vile protests this group loves to perform. The point I will drive at is this: “WE LET THIS HAPPEN!”
Everyone hates what these folks have to say yet everyone seems content to let them exercise their civil right to the fullest while the rest of us (Freedom Riders excluded) seem to forget that the right to free speech does not include: the right to be heard, the right to air time, sound systems, signs, billboards, hotel accommodations, platforms etc……all of which are willingly provided by people who despise the message yet choose not to exercise their right to “refuse service to anyone.” This group, horrible as it may be, is using the rights our men and women in uniform fight and die to protect while those of us who are disgusted by their actions, seem content to whine, never utilizing the freedoms we also possess. Sadly, in this case it seems the only ones taking advantage of our great freedoms are the ones who mock the death of the very people who died defending it. The Patriot Guard Riders ( understand this and use their rights of free speech and assembly to attempt to nullify the protest this “church” likes to do at the funerals at our nations fallen heroes. Fire vs Fire. We all need to remember that we have the same rights as these extremists and we need to quit giving them the platform and tools they rely upon to purvey their hate. Check back at for more on this and an amazing piece written by a man who has fought for their rights and has a very personal connection with this horrible story of the events in Carson City. He is far more qualified than most of us (certainly I) to speak on this issue
p.s. Maybe this church is so pissed at the military because they are giving their lives to eradicate the very type of religious extremism that they themselves practice! The only thing separating them from Muslim Extremist is they have not the population to control a government; otherwise they’d be executing “infidels” just the same!
Everyone hates what these folks have to say yet everyone seems content to let them exercise their civil right to the fullest while the rest of us (Freedom Riders excluded) seem to forget that the right to free speech does not include: the right to be heard, the right to air time, sound systems, signs, billboards, hotel accommodations, platforms etc……all of which are willingly provided by people who despise the message yet choose not to exercise their right to “refuse service to anyone.” This group, horrible as it may be, is using the rights our men and women in uniform fight and die to protect while those of us who are disgusted by their actions, seem content to whine, never utilizing the freedoms we also possess. Sadly, in this case it seems the only ones taking advantage of our great freedoms are the ones who mock the death of the very people who died defending it. The Patriot Guard Riders ( understand this and use their rights of free speech and assembly to attempt to nullify the protest this “church” likes to do at the funerals at our nations fallen heroes. Fire vs Fire. We all need to remember that we have the same rights as these extremists and we need to quit giving them the platform and tools they rely upon to purvey their hate. Check back at for more on this and an amazing piece written by a man who has fought for their rights and has a very personal connection with this horrible story of the events in Carson City. He is far more qualified than most of us (certainly I) to speak on this issue
p.s. Maybe this church is so pissed at the military because they are giving their lives to eradicate the very type of religious extremism that they themselves practice! The only thing separating them from Muslim Extremist is they have not the population to control a government; otherwise they’d be executing “infidels” just the same!
Monday, September 5, 2011
StormWatch: The Trott Report "Ten Years After 9/11"
StormWatch: The Trott Report
In this episode we look back ten years to see the impact that 9/11 has had on us as a country. After the extreme patriotism faded, we are left with the constant reminder that the Federal Government sees all of us as potential threats to our country.
Do you eye the four year old with leg braces or the elderly woman in a wheelchair with suspicion? Are people who are too embarrassed to go through the naked scanner or being groped by the TSA hiding something dangerous? Does the Department of Homeland Security consider you a potential domestic terrorist? And how well do we really understand the Patriot Act?
Should we join in on the witch hunt for potential domestic terrorists?
In this episode, Tmaxx and Tempestuccia talk about this and whether security measures have really made us safer than we were ten years ago.
Click this link to hear what we have to say:
StormWatch: The Trott Report "Ten Years After 9/11"
If you enjoyed the poem read by T-Maxx, we will be posting the text version in the next couple days.
In this episode we look back ten years to see the impact that 9/11 has had on us as a country. After the extreme patriotism faded, we are left with the constant reminder that the Federal Government sees all of us as potential threats to our country.
Do you eye the four year old with leg braces or the elderly woman in a wheelchair with suspicion? Are people who are too embarrassed to go through the naked scanner or being groped by the TSA hiding something dangerous? Does the Department of Homeland Security consider you a potential domestic terrorist? And how well do we really understand the Patriot Act?
Should we join in on the witch hunt for potential domestic terrorists?
In this episode, Tmaxx and Tempestuccia talk about this and whether security measures have really made us safer than we were ten years ago.
Click this link to hear what we have to say:
StormWatch: The Trott Report "Ten Years After 9/11"
If you enjoyed the poem read by T-Maxx, we will be posting the text version in the next couple days.
New Episode 9-4-11
The new show is available NOW on iTunes. For facebookers and users of you can get the show tonight at around 8pm Pacific time.
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the developement of the show and YOU will receive all the benefits! So far, you
have been absolutely amazing in your support and I have been absolutely
astounded watching the show grow each and every week. I truly thank all of you
for turning this project into something that is so uplifting to me that I now
have made it my goal to turn this into a full time endeavour. With a lot of hard
work, I am sure that we could make this dream a reality but until that day comes
please keep doing what you are doing! Share the show with your friends, sign up
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We all know those who when something bad happens to them, they wallow in pity
and become a victim. They sit and wait for everyone else to set everything up
for them while they do nothing but cry about how bad they have it. They have it
so hard because they are a victim and no one is "helping" them. In reality, they
seek not help but a free ride. They are in the situation they are in because no
one would "help" them....even though they are a fully functioning adult they
have grasped onto an excuse in order to reap the benefits of effort without all
the "movement."
I am guilty of the opposite, when I want something, I just go out and do it. I
do not wait for "help", I do not let the fact that I don't know where to start
etc stop me....I just DO. So here we are....THAT is why we are here, now you
know why we started doing this show.....because we wanted to. We made our own
way. This is why it means so much to us and why we are always thanking you for
your support. We are going to continue to make our own way and with your help,
grow this into something huge and great that we will ALL enjoy. So please,
continue sharing the show with friends and keep tuning in! You never know where
it may lead!
The Betrayal
It was a day so beautiful in its constitution
The summer sun burned a carefree impulse on the heart
The azure skies in freshness of life borrowed from the first of Spring
Stood in contrast to Autumns cool breeze and chilly mornings
That day the seasons came together to create a blossoming of the human spirit
And a yearning to be usually felt by teenagers in love
In Central Park it was a second Spring
The songs of the birds echoed through the sky scrapers
Announcing their second chance at rebirth,
One more chance to witness life’s miracles
Their songs beckoned all who heard them to go forth
And share with others the song of the beautiful September Spring morning
In the eagerly nervous faces of children on their way to the first day of school
No trace of the betrayal could be seen
In the park loving caresses given by the wide eyes of young couples
Dashed any guard man could have built
For such a beautiful day, a gift from nature could never bear ill
To those it hypnotized by its song
At least until now
The betrayal arrived not with thunder clouds and booming
But with the high strained roar of engines
Shocked eyes saw not lightening but metal tubes suspended aloft
By flimsy metal arms
The first arrived in a cloud of confusion laying a path of shock which guided the second to its mark
These were birds turned to missiles the warhead of hatred overpowered the payload of innocents
One after another the birds collided
Two in the city
One in the fortress
And one in the field
For that one the warhead was defeated by the innocents
Confusion reigned
Panic and chaos prevailed as pillars of smoke rose
Lines of heroes ran forward to save those that they could
The beauty of nature did not change
Even as it pulled the two pillars down to the ground
Everyone stood stunned and crushed
We had been betrayed
On this such a beautiful gift from nature
The shimmering beauty of this late Summer day never faltered
Never noticed the tragedy it surrounded
Birds still sang in Central Park
Yet those who they lured out with their song now lay lifeless
The next time Summer, Spring, and Fall come together offering a gift,
When we see the signs of beauty yet again,
Will we ever know that all is well without fearing another betrayal
The summer sun burned a carefree impulse on the heart
The azure skies in freshness of life borrowed from the first of Spring
Stood in contrast to Autumns cool breeze and chilly mornings
That day the seasons came together to create a blossoming of the human spirit
And a yearning to be usually felt by teenagers in love
In Central Park it was a second Spring
The songs of the birds echoed through the sky scrapers
Announcing their second chance at rebirth,
One more chance to witness life’s miracles
Their songs beckoned all who heard them to go forth
And share with others the song of the beautiful September Spring morning
In the eagerly nervous faces of children on their way to the first day of school
No trace of the betrayal could be seen
In the park loving caresses given by the wide eyes of young couples
Dashed any guard man could have built
For such a beautiful day, a gift from nature could never bear ill
To those it hypnotized by its song
At least until now
The betrayal arrived not with thunder clouds and booming
But with the high strained roar of engines
Shocked eyes saw not lightening but metal tubes suspended aloft
By flimsy metal arms
The first arrived in a cloud of confusion laying a path of shock which guided the second to its mark
These were birds turned to missiles the warhead of hatred overpowered the payload of innocents
One after another the birds collided
Two in the city
One in the fortress
And one in the field
For that one the warhead was defeated by the innocents
Confusion reigned
Panic and chaos prevailed as pillars of smoke rose
Lines of heroes ran forward to save those that they could
The beauty of nature did not change
Even as it pulled the two pillars down to the ground
Everyone stood stunned and crushed
We had been betrayed
On this such a beautiful gift from nature
The shimmering beauty of this late Summer day never faltered
Never noticed the tragedy it surrounded
Birds still sang in Central Park
Yet those who they lured out with their song now lay lifeless
The next time Summer, Spring, and Fall come together offering a gift,
When we see the signs of beauty yet again,
Will we ever know that all is well without fearing another betrayal
Saturday, September 3, 2011
CLICK HERE to listen to StormWatch: The Trott Report: Pedophiles
A touchy subject to be sure yet one that needs to be discussed. Child-molestation and victimization is a horrible and growing problem in the United States. As our population grows and birth-rates continue to soar, this horrible trend is going to keep growing. In this episode, Tmaxx and Tempestuccia discuss the psychological disorder at the root of these horrifying acts and the way society handles it. As a society, we use the pedophile as the example of the most vile of creation but does this stigma prevent those who are afflicted with this disorder from seeking help before they offend?
Our justice system has recognized the pathology of drug and alcohol addiction and has mandated treatment for offenders before they cause more damage. The alcoholic may seek treatment from the state (or other entity) without fear of ridicule or other penalties long before his affliction harms another person. Likewise with drug addiction and even post-partum depression (cough cough) our legal system has caught up with science somewhat and is working to not only punish but prevent further hardship. Pedophilia, just like addiction, has underlying causes; in fact, studies show that there are actually physical differences in the make up of their brains, making the urge to "act" even stronger and more primal than that of the addict. Knowing this, our legal system still has not taken the same protective measures for those with this disorder as they have for those who suffer from addictive behavior diseases.
Non offending pedophiles seeking help are often subjected to harassment etc rendering any treatment attempts futile. Without treatment, these individuals may indeed offend; harming a child and ruining a life in the process. Tmaxx and Tempestuccia discuss NON-OFFENDING individuals suffering from this problem and the changes our society needs to make in how they are viewed in order to help minimize the number of children who are victimized.
It is a very difficult topic, yet if the examination of the issue and the affording of basic protections to encourage those with the disease to be able to get the help they need without fear of harassment would reduce the molestation rate by even 5%, don't we owe it to our kids to suck it up and deal with this most heinous of problems?
This is NOT an argument to "normalize" adult-child sexual relations. We are ONLY speaking about those who have these attractions, know they are wrong AND seek help BEFORE they offend. Tmaxx and Tempestuccia both agree with the rest of society for the offenders: Touch a child thus wrecking their life and YOUR life should likewise be wrecked.
Some studies to supplement the program (there are many more that were reviewed. These are just a handful for you to wet your beak with):
-Cohen LJ, McGeoch PG, Watras-Gans S, et al. (October 2002). "Personality impairment in male pedophiles" (PDF). J Clin Psychiatry 63 (10): 912–9. PMID 12416601
-Green, R. (2002). Is pedophilia a mental disorder? Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 31, 2002
- The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Pedophilia
-Linda S. Grossman, Ph.D., Brian Martis, M.D. and Christopher G. Fichtner, M.D. (1 March 1999). "Are Sex Offenders Treatable? A Research Overview". Psychiatric Services 50 (3): 349–361. PMID 10096639
Thursday, September 1, 2011
BEASTIE BOYS! (A little late but its new to me!)
Five Minute Version (Music Video Version)
Theatrical Short Version:
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Lots to Talk About......Millions of News topics...
Well, today is the 10th anniversary of the passing of my beloved grandfather: Carl F. Routh. I can not believe that it has already been a decade since that awful day. So much has happened that I wish he could've been a part of. Yet, I honestly can not say for sure that any of it would've happened without this loss. His passing was a "kick-start" of-sorts for me that prompted me to start pursuing greater things rather than my ambitions at that time. Thus it is hard to say whether I would have done ANY of the things I wish so desperately that he could've witnessed. OK, enough Tmaxx Baggage.....
ANYWAY, the last couple of days have been full of various compelling topics that I believe warrant discussion by all of us. First of all is this striking fellow:
Muammar Qaddafi. The "Mad Dog of the Middle East" is done. At this time (noonish on Wed. 8/24/11) has yet to be found. The rebel forces have taken over his compound where this statue stands before the un-repaired aftermath of the 1980's attack by the United States:
It is a hand grasping / smashing an American fighter jet out of the sky. From what I remember, Muammar narrowly squirreled away, avoiding being completely blown to smithereens by American bombs with luck. I am not at all certain that this is a proper characterization of the events but I guess when you are the totalitarian dictator, you get to bend history a tiny bit. In my opinion, it is not at all dissimilar from me picking a fight with one of those UFC guys and then claiming to have completely beat his ass when in reality, I locked myself in my car after the first punch.
There is also hurricane Irene which is now bearing down on the eastern seaboard.......The experts predict landfall off of the North Carolina coast sometime on Saturday. Every time one of these things strikes our nation, I think we all wonder why people do not exit the area when we have all seen what a hurricane can do to a region! I understand wanting to protect your house but boards on windows and gas generators are not enough to prevent the force of the storm from killing you and all of those you are trying to protect! Having been through several 110+ mph wind storms, I do know the force the wind can be and those were not accompanied by a storm surge nor did they last for days. I have seen the wind propelling rocks through the are as missiles and steel buildings nearly succumb, I have had to tie myself off to various structures as I was maneuvering about outside to prevent steel lids and tools from becoming airborne as they were being ripped from their screws (a feat I eventually gave up on......I did not want to die!) ....a full hurricane would be far worse than even that! I truly hope that everyone evacuates if deemed necessary. There has been almost a week of notice so, loss of life should really be minimal. Imagine how much lower Katrina's death toll would have been if the warnings had been heeded?
Finally, the definition of pedophilia is being challenged. A group called: "B4U Act" is petitioning the American Psychiatric Association to redefine the definition of "pedophile" in order to remove the stigma that is attached to such a diagnosis. Sadly, for you guys, I may just reserve this one for the show.........I think I have a viewpoint that would prompt some great discussion and I do not think I would like to waste it here. As with everything in life, one must look at the issues on their merits the exclusion of knee-jerk reactions. I think this is a GREAT topic for that kind of discussion......thus I shall set it aside for later!
ANYWAY, the last couple of days have been full of various compelling topics that I believe warrant discussion by all of us. First of all is this striking fellow:
Muammar Qaddafi. The "Mad Dog of the Middle East" is done. At this time (noonish on Wed. 8/24/11) has yet to be found. The rebel forces have taken over his compound where this statue stands before the un-repaired aftermath of the 1980's attack by the United States:
It is a hand grasping / smashing an American fighter jet out of the sky. From what I remember, Muammar narrowly squirreled away, avoiding being completely blown to smithereens by American bombs with luck. I am not at all certain that this is a proper characterization of the events but I guess when you are the totalitarian dictator, you get to bend history a tiny bit. In my opinion, it is not at all dissimilar from me picking a fight with one of those UFC guys and then claiming to have completely beat his ass when in reality, I locked myself in my car after the first punch.
(This image is from the from a 2005 Sumatran quake.)
Also we have the EARTHQUAKE, the horrible earth shaking that caused un-imaginable.......oh wait, it didn't. One wouldn't have known though from watching the cable news networks (which I happened to be when the quake happened) and they are STILL having the USGS guys on as guests constantly. It does bring up a great point though; for some reason, east coasters believe that there are no earthquakes in their neck of the woods. Thus their skyscrapers etc are not nearly as ready as those in the west. This is a wake-up call to everyone to finally pay attention to the experts who have NEVER made such a silly claim. One other thing that struck me: there were 0 serious injuries, NO serious damage, NOTHING newsworthy yet the entirety of all cable network coverage focused on the event. This irritates me because the only reason it was news is because it actually hit them where the news offices are. Out west, we have butt-loads of quakes that cause a hell of a lot more damage that do not even get a passing mention. Yes, there are many important and old structures in the area but still...... I guess it is a personal gripe. I admit that!There is also hurricane Irene which is now bearing down on the eastern seaboard.......The experts predict landfall off of the North Carolina coast sometime on Saturday. Every time one of these things strikes our nation, I think we all wonder why people do not exit the area when we have all seen what a hurricane can do to a region! I understand wanting to protect your house but boards on windows and gas generators are not enough to prevent the force of the storm from killing you and all of those you are trying to protect! Having been through several 110+ mph wind storms, I do know the force the wind can be and those were not accompanied by a storm surge nor did they last for days. I have seen the wind propelling rocks through the are as missiles and steel buildings nearly succumb, I have had to tie myself off to various structures as I was maneuvering about outside to prevent steel lids and tools from becoming airborne as they were being ripped from their screws (a feat I eventually gave up on......I did not want to die!) ....a full hurricane would be far worse than even that! I truly hope that everyone evacuates if deemed necessary. There has been almost a week of notice so, loss of life should really be minimal. Imagine how much lower Katrina's death toll would have been if the warnings had been heeded?
Finally, the definition of pedophilia is being challenged. A group called: "B4U Act" is petitioning the American Psychiatric Association to redefine the definition of "pedophile" in order to remove the stigma that is attached to such a diagnosis. Sadly, for you guys, I may just reserve this one for the show.........I think I have a viewpoint that would prompt some great discussion and I do not think I would like to waste it here. As with everything in life, one must look at the issues on their merits the exclusion of knee-jerk reactions. I think this is a GREAT topic for that kind of discussion......thus I shall set it aside for later!
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