CLICK HERE to listen to StormWatch: The Trott Report: Pedophiles
A touchy subject to be sure yet one that needs to be discussed. Child-molestation and victimization is a horrible and growing problem in the United States. As our population grows and birth-rates continue to soar, this horrible trend is going to keep growing. In this episode, Tmaxx and Tempestuccia discuss the psychological disorder at the root of these horrifying acts and the way society handles it. As a society, we use the pedophile as the example of the most vile of creation but does this stigma prevent those who are afflicted with this disorder from seeking help before they offend?
Our justice system has recognized the pathology of drug and alcohol addiction and has mandated treatment for offenders before they cause more damage. The alcoholic may seek treatment from the state (or other entity) without fear of ridicule or other penalties long before his affliction harms another person. Likewise with drug addiction and even post-partum depression (cough cough) our legal system has caught up with science somewhat and is working to not only punish but prevent further hardship. Pedophilia, just like addiction, has underlying causes; in fact, studies show that there are actually physical differences in the make up of their brains, making the urge to "act" even stronger and more primal than that of the addict. Knowing this, our legal system still has not taken the same protective measures for those with this disorder as they have for those who suffer from addictive behavior diseases.
Non offending pedophiles seeking help are often subjected to harassment etc rendering any treatment attempts futile. Without treatment, these individuals may indeed offend; harming a child and ruining a life in the process. Tmaxx and Tempestuccia discuss NON-OFFENDING individuals suffering from this problem and the changes our society needs to make in how they are viewed in order to help minimize the number of children who are victimized.
It is a very difficult topic, yet if the examination of the issue and the affording of basic protections to encourage those with the disease to be able to get the help they need without fear of harassment would reduce the molestation rate by even 5%, don't we owe it to our kids to suck it up and deal with this most heinous of problems?
This is NOT an argument to "normalize" adult-child sexual relations. We are ONLY speaking about those who have these attractions, know they are wrong AND seek help BEFORE they offend. Tmaxx and Tempestuccia both agree with the rest of society for the offenders: Touch a child thus wrecking their life and YOUR life should likewise be wrecked.
Some studies to supplement the program (there are many more that were reviewed. These are just a handful for you to wet your beak with):
-Cohen LJ, McGeoch PG, Watras-Gans S, et al. (October 2002). "Personality impairment in male pedophiles" (PDF). J Clin Psychiatry 63 (10): 912–9. PMID 12416601
-Green, R. (2002). Is pedophilia a mental disorder? Archives of Sexual Behavior, Vol. 31, 2002
- The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Pedophilia
-Linda S. Grossman, Ph.D., Brian Martis, M.D. and Christopher G. Fichtner, M.D. (1 March 1999). "Are Sex Offenders Treatable? A Research Overview". Psychiatric Services 50 (3): 349–361. PMID 10096639
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