The new show is available NOW on iTunes. For facebookers and users of you can get the show tonight at around 8pm Pacific time.
Please bookmark and become obsessive in your visiting and
participation! We are adding more content every day and soon shall have daily
updates, polls and discussions to statisfy even the most inactive of minds! As
our listnership grows, we are able to invest more time, money and effort into
the developement of the show and YOU will receive all the benefits! So far, you
have been absolutely amazing in your support and I have been absolutely
astounded watching the show grow each and every week. I truly thank all of you
for turning this project into something that is so uplifting to me that I now
have made it my goal to turn this into a full time endeavour. With a lot of hard
work, I am sure that we could make this dream a reality but until that day comes
please keep doing what you are doing! Share the show with your friends, sign up
on my site and interact, participate in a discussion, write an opinion piece for and above all, keep listening! The whole point of the show is
to entertain, inform and give a forum to YOU the listener to express your views.
Please join us in discussion and feel free to give me your opinion of the show
and what you would like to see done differently!
We all know those who when something bad happens to them, they wallow in pity
and become a victim. They sit and wait for everyone else to set everything up
for them while they do nothing but cry about how bad they have it. They have it
so hard because they are a victim and no one is "helping" them. In reality, they
seek not help but a free ride. They are in the situation they are in because no
one would "help" them....even though they are a fully functioning adult they
have grasped onto an excuse in order to reap the benefits of effort without all
the "movement."
I am guilty of the opposite, when I want something, I just go out and do it. I
do not wait for "help", I do not let the fact that I don't know where to start
etc stop me....I just DO. So here we are....THAT is why we are here, now you
know why we started doing this show.....because we wanted to. We made our own
way. This is why it means so much to us and why we are always thanking you for
your support. We are going to continue to make our own way and with your help,
grow this into something huge and great that we will ALL enjoy. So please,
continue sharing the show with friends and keep tuning in! You never know where
it may lead!
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