Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Musical Presidents....

After seeing the second video of Obama singing blues and seeing visions therein of Bill Clinton with his sax on the "Arsenio Hall Show" I decided it would be fun to pose the question on my Facebook account: "if EVERY presidential candidate were to sing / play music on national TV during an election year, which songs would they pick?"  After commenting on my own post like 30 times, I decided it would be best to move the whole topic over here. So please.....add to my list otherwise I am going to keep going for days with this topic. (PS: There is not to be any more saxophone music coming from Bill Clinton.  I asked him personally during the last election cycle.........seriously.) Anyway here is what I have so far:
  • Mitt Romney sings anything by "The Osmands"
  • Newt Gingrich picks: "You're a Mean One Mr Grinch." by The Grinch OR "The Thrill Is Gone" by BB King.
  • Rick Santorum chooses anything by the "New Kids On The Block."
  • Ron Paul sings: "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell and "Basket Case" by Green Day.
  • John Edwards could've picked: "Billy Jean" by Michael Jackson
  • George W. Bush sings "Now I Know My A,B,C's" by his "favordest teacher EVER"
  • Bill Clinton should've picked: "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy
  • Howard Dean wails "Scream" by Michael Jackson  (Click on link below in case you've forgotten him)
  • Barack Obama can still pick "I'm Sorry" by Patsie Cline or "Oops I Did it Again" by Brittany Spears
  • Dick Cheney tries to sing: "War! What Is Good For? (Absolutely Nothing!) by Edwin Starr but cant get through more than a few bars without laughing. Also in his repetoire is "@#$^%#@" by: Open Mic
  • Al Gore lip syncs: "Weird Science" by Oingo Boingo or "Wild Thing" by The Troggs
  • John McCain and Bob Dole can sing whatever the hell they want because they're war heroes.
  • Jesse Jacskson picks: "Baby Momma" by Lil Boosie
  • Al Sharpton sings: "Hair" by Hair
  • Bill Clinton returns to the stage to sing: "Humpin' Around" by Bobby Brown.
  • Al Gore broadcasts "It Aint Easy Being Green" by Kermit the Frog from his private jet.
Ok folks, take it away!

Spark in the Powder Room .....Again...

It seems that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization click HERE for Wikipedia definition) is hell bent on keeping things hot in the middle east.  This story broke yesterday and the public outcry from the Middle-East has shocked the world......well, the whole world minus one.
NATO Apologizes for Koran Burning
That story led to this one:
US Embassy in Kabul Closes in Midst of Anti-US Protests
and this one (where I first learned of the whole issue):
Koran on the Stake; US Closes Embassy in Kabul  ("Stake" in : "Burned at the stake")
As upsetting and dire as the consequences of this apparent act of  racism / religious oppression may well turn out to be,  it is equally upsetting that this issue was even allowed to come to the public's knowledge.
Here is the skeleton of the story: at the military detention facility at Bagram Air Field in Eastern Afghanistan, copies of the Koran and other religious material were removed from the library's shelves disposed of (burnt) after extremist messages / inscriptions were found in them.  NATO states that they did indeed remove the material from circulation but the burning was inadvertent. Following the breaking of this story, rioting began in Kabul prompting the lock down of the US embassy located in the city and is threatening to worsen. 

Before labeling my words quasi-treasonous, hear me out.....

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I can not believe that I didn't post the big news here on my main site but my place of employment finally fired me.  I actually can not say too much about it as it is an issue that is far from over and my councel has advised me not to "blow any of the many wads" before the correct time so....suffice it to say that this is somewhat a stressful time for us yet strangely "relieving" at the same time. 

The last couple of years have been spent constantly having to defend myself for the pettiest of things that even though everything is topsy-turvy, I (for the time being) have lost much of the frustration and anger that comes with certain (let's just say:) "personality types"....yet, being both very adept at as well as very dedicated to my position; there is a certain stress and even grief having lost something that I have had as a huge part of my life for the past 5 years. Oh well, I will keep you posted and speak much more freely as soon as I am advised that I cant booger myself by doing so.

PS:  Oh never mind.