Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Musical Presidents....

After seeing the second video of Obama singing blues and seeing visions therein of Bill Clinton with his sax on the "Arsenio Hall Show" I decided it would be fun to pose the question on my Facebook account: "if EVERY presidential candidate were to sing / play music on national TV during an election year, which songs would they pick?"  After commenting on my own post like 30 times, I decided it would be best to move the whole topic over here. So please.....add to my list otherwise I am going to keep going for days with this topic. (PS: There is not to be any more saxophone music coming from Bill Clinton.  I asked him personally during the last election cycle.........seriously.) Anyway here is what I have so far:
  • Mitt Romney sings anything by "The Osmands"
  • Newt Gingrich picks: "You're a Mean One Mr Grinch." by The Grinch OR "The Thrill Is Gone" by BB King.
  • Rick Santorum chooses anything by the "New Kids On The Block."
  • Ron Paul sings: "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell and "Basket Case" by Green Day.
  • John Edwards could've picked: "Billy Jean" by Michael Jackson
  • George W. Bush sings "Now I Know My A,B,C's" by his "favordest teacher EVER"
  • Bill Clinton should've picked: "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy
  • Howard Dean wails "Scream" by Michael Jackson  (Click on link below in case you've forgotten him)
  • Barack Obama can still pick "I'm Sorry" by Patsie Cline or "Oops I Did it Again" by Brittany Spears
  • Dick Cheney tries to sing: "War! What Is Good For? (Absolutely Nothing!) by Edwin Starr but cant get through more than a few bars without laughing. Also in his repetoire is "@#$^%#@" by: Open Mic
  • Al Gore lip syncs: "Weird Science" by Oingo Boingo or "Wild Thing" by The Troggs
  • John McCain and Bob Dole can sing whatever the hell they want because they're war heroes.
  • Jesse Jacskson picks: "Baby Momma" by Lil Boosie
  • Al Sharpton sings: "Hair" by Hair
  • Bill Clinton returns to the stage to sing: "Humpin' Around" by Bobby Brown.
  • Al Gore broadcasts "It Aint Easy Being Green" by Kermit the Frog from his private jet.
Ok folks, take it away!


  1. JFK Jr. Would've sang: "I Believe I Can Fly" by R.Kelly had he not taken flying lessons from John Denver. (Ok, I am sorry, that was in poor taste but funny is funny)

  2. Bill Clinton sings "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" to Hillary after her 1998 re-election.

  3. Sarah Palin sings : "Stacey's Mom (Has Got Got it Going On)" by Bowling for Soup.
    Donald Trump sings: "Shameless" by Billy Joel

  4. Sarah Palin also sings "If I was Your Girl" by Janet Jackson to Timothy Trott. (Ok, that's more of a personal fantasy......dont judge me!)
