Monday, September 5, 2011

The Betrayal

It was a day so beautiful in its constitution
The summer sun burned a carefree impulse on the heart
The azure skies in freshness of life borrowed from the first of Spring
Stood in contrast to Autumns cool breeze and chilly mornings
That day the seasons came together to create a blossoming of the human spirit
And a yearning to be usually felt by teenagers in love
In Central Park it was a second Spring
The songs of the birds echoed through the sky scrapers
Announcing their second chance at rebirth,
One more chance to witness life’s miracles
Their songs beckoned all who heard them to go forth
And share with others the song of the beautiful September Spring morning
In the eagerly nervous faces of children on their way to the first day of school
No trace of the betrayal could be seen
In the park loving caresses given by the wide eyes of young couples
Dashed any guard man could have built
For such a beautiful day, a gift from nature could never bear ill
To those it hypnotized by its song
At least until now
The betrayal arrived not with thunder clouds and booming
But with the high strained roar of engines
Shocked eyes saw not lightening but metal tubes suspended aloft
By flimsy metal arms
The first arrived in a cloud of confusion laying a path of shock which guided the second to its mark
These were birds turned to missiles the warhead of hatred overpowered the payload of innocents
One after another the birds collided
Two in the city
One in the fortress
And one in the field
For that one the warhead was defeated by the innocents
Confusion reigned
Panic and chaos prevailed as pillars of smoke rose
Lines of heroes ran forward to save those that they could
The beauty of nature did not change
Even as it pulled the two pillars down to the ground
Everyone stood stunned and crushed
We had been betrayed
On this such a beautiful gift from nature
The shimmering beauty of this late Summer day never faltered
Never noticed the tragedy it surrounded
Birds still sang in Central Park
Yet those who they lured out with their song now lay lifeless
The next time Summer, Spring, and Fall come together offering a gift,
When we see the signs of beauty yet again,
Will we ever know that all is well without fearing another betrayal

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