Thursday, September 8, 2011

Preview.....Upcoming Article.... It will be a MUST READ!!!!! (This is not an excerpt....this is a description of article to come. Real one will even have attention to grammar!)

Hello everyone.  Take a gander at this gem of a website: This group is on its way (possibly) to northern Nevada following the horrific shooting in Carson City which claimed the lives of several National Guardsmen.  I am working with a very special guest on a piece in which this group is examined as well a very special perspective on the constitutionality of the vile protests this group loves to perform. The point I will drive at is this:  “WE LET THIS HAPPEN!” 
Everyone hates what these folks have to say yet everyone seems content to let them exercise their civil right to the fullest while the rest of us (Freedom Riders excluded) seem to forget that the right to free speech does not include: the right to be heard, the right to air time, sound systems, signs, billboards, hotel accommodations, platforms etc……all of which are willingly provided by people who despise the message yet choose not to exercise their right to “refuse service to anyone.”  This group, horrible as it may be, is using the rights our men and women in uniform fight and die to protect while those of us who are disgusted by their actions, seem content to whine, never utilizing the freedoms we also possess.  Sadly, in this case it seems the only ones taking advantage of our great freedoms are the ones who mock the death of the very people who died defending it. The Patriot Guard Riders ( understand this and use their rights of free speech and assembly to attempt to nullify the protest this “church” likes to do at the funerals at our nations fallen heroes.  Fire vs Fire.  We all need to remember that we have the same rights as these extremists and we need to quit giving them the platform and tools they rely upon to purvey their hate.  Check back at for more on this and an amazing piece written by a man who has fought for their rights and has a very personal connection with this horrible story of the events in Carson City.  He is far more qualified than most of us (certainly I) to speak on this issue
p.s. Maybe this church is so pissed at the military because they are giving their lives to eradicate the very type of religious extremism that they themselves practice!  The only thing separating them from Muslim Extremist is they have not the population to control a government; otherwise they’d be executing “infidels” just the same!

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